Mind boggling viral campaigns,
for every occasion.

We leverages proven and measurable strategies to make brands go viral with bespoke campaigns employing cutting-edge tactics and flawless executions.

We Combine

Data. Technology. Robust Media.

To Help Brands Go Viral.

Simple. Surprising. Significant.

This three-step approach, combined with our intensive data division fueling all of our creative assets, results in millions of views, shares, likes, and eyeballs on your brand and message.

How you go viral?

1. Storytelling

At viarul, we often begins with an alignment on critical messaging. What are we trying to communicate? How can we use human-driven storytelling to amplify our message?

2. Understand Reach

we'll better understand who we want to reach. Do we want to attract a younger audience, full of passion, energy, and willingness to share? Or are we trying to reach an older audience, the decision-makers, and holders of larger market spending share?

3. Defining Metrics

We'll define a series of metrics to better measure our messaging effectiveness. What actions do we want our viewers to take? Are we a business trying to push sales of a new product? Or are we a non-profit trying to spread awareness and drive social change?

4. Developing Channel Strategy

We'll help you develop your channel strategies. We determine whether our audience will better engage with a challenge, a contest, a hashtag, and the platform it should start on. For viral video marketing, for instance, we use the power of that medium to boost engagement and ROI. We determine what influencers we can leverage to massively compound eyeballs. No matter which choices we make together, we'll be your trusted partner every step of the way.


Virality is a controllable outcome

Leaving a campaign to chance is never a wise decision, that’s why we’ve created, tested, and utilized dozens of viral blueprints to launch hundreds of different campaigns to virality. With these general blueprints and our industry-specific market research, we can tailor your campaign to reach millions of impressions.

Influencers of all sizes have value

A key to virality will always be utilizing influencers, they are a great way to jumpstart the process. However, this doesn’t always mean just using one massive account with millions of followers. Smaller influencers can not only reach your targeted audience better for a fraction of the price, but they have more loyal and engaged fans to help share your campaign.

Data is the key to virality

Even if your company has a general understanding of the audience you are looking to reach, specified, personalized market insight can always help your business. Whether it is keeping more up-to-date with your current audience or its insights into a brand new market you can expand into, our intensive data capabilities can help you cut marketing costs and grow sales.

Ability that produces buzzz...

We consolidate information, impact, and a hearty information on media to help brands circulating around the web.

Driving new user acquisition in under 24 hours.

We worked with McDonald's to launch a triggering viral campaign for 'Eat What You Want Day' that resulted in millions of impressions and thousands of Big Macs delivered, resulting in national news coverage.


PR Value

Ready to talk about your brand?

We’d love to hear about your brand and story to see how we can help take it to the next level.

Let's Discuss You Viarul Strategy.